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Select Your Issue
Select Your Issue
I am facing an issue with filling an action report form
I am facing an issue with downloading my action report data
I am facing an issue with posting an opportunity
The reward points in my account are incorrect
I am unable to view my reward points
I want to report another member
I want to report a volunteering opportunity for incomplete/fake information
I am not satisfied with a volunteering opportunity I attended
My mobile application is glitching/not functioning properly
I am unable to download my certificate
I want to delete my account
I want to change my phone number to sign up on Meri LiFE platform
I cannot log into my account on Meri LiFE
I am not receiving the OTP to login to Meri LiFE platform
I am unable to change details under my profile section like age, gender etc.
Something else
Please describe the issue in more detail
Attach any supporting document/images